Parent Update

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Financial Management series offers invaluable advice

St. Kate's award-winning financial management program will offer a wonderful line-up of free workshops this upcoming semester. As always, families are welcome to attend any of the series below. Please be sure to encourage your student to attend.

Wednesday, February 15, CdC 370, 4:30-6 p.m.
Taxes 101: Everything You Need to Know to File
What is the relationship between a W-4, 1040, and other federal tax documents? What are the deductions for higher education? Should my parents claim me as a dependent or should I file taxes independently? How can I get my taxes prepared for free?
Presenter: Erin Severson, Technical Assistance Manager, AccountAbility Minnesota

Tuesday, February 28, Seminar Room, Rauenhorst/Morrison Hall, 11:30-1 p.m.
Time to File! Preparing Your Renewal FAFSA
Every year at this time, students begin filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the upcoming academic year. Many questions arise, leaving students uncertain about the assistance they will receive. When is the priority deadline and why is it important to file prior to then? Why is my tax information needed? Am I even eligible to file the FAFSA?
Presenter: Jeremy Cole, Financial Aid Counselor, St. Catherine University

Wednesday, March 14, CdC 370, 4:30-6 p.m.
The High Cost of Bad Credit
Shannon Doyle ’97, St. Kate’s own financial counselor from LSS Financial Counseling Services, will discuss the importance of good credit. In this session you will learn about the high cost of bad credit, what factors make up your credit score, how to build or improve your score, and where to go if you need help. This one free session could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime!
Presenter: Shannon Doyle, Certified Consumer Credit Counselor, LSS

Wednesday, April 4, CdC Ballroom, 4:30-6 p.m.
Funding Your Study Abroad Trip
Would you like to study abroad but simply cannot afford it? Know the facts! There are many ways to fund a study abroad trip without incurring a large amount of debt. Learn the facts about studying abroad from the Office of Global Studies and a panel of students who have studied abroad while maintaining their finances at home. Your life-changing journey is within reach!
Presenters: Global Studies, Mysee Chang and Lela Wright-Macgregor

Wednesday, April 18, CdC 362, 4:30-6 p.m.

The Real Cost of College: Student Loan Repayment
Graduating soon or trying to plan ahead? How much do I owe? Learn about loan repayment options to make monthly payments manageable, including loan consolidation, deferment and forbearance options. Get information on websites to help navigate the loan repayment process.
Presenter: Pat Pierce, Senior Financial Aid Counselor, SCU

This workshop series is sponsored by generous grants from GE and Wings Financial.

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