Although many students elect to work during January, a number of students will use this time to conduct an internship, study abroad or enroll in a course. Students who enroll in a course may do so to catch up on academic credits or to stay focused on academics during the extended break.
Students on the Minneapolis campus may choose a range of courses offered both online and on-campus. In addition to Exercise Science courses, St. Paul students may want to consider the following:
Personal Financial Fitness, INDI 2992. 2 credits, January 3-27, (M/W, 9 a.m.-12 noon)
In this course, students will learn practical, lifelong skills of budgeting, developing savings plan, identifying and setting financial goals, organizing and creating a personal financial filing system, understanding credit report and ways to improve one's credit score, understanding insurance and much more.
Career Development for Women, INDI 2000, January 3-27, 2 credits (M/W, 9 a.m.-12 noon)
This course is especially encouraged for students who are still deciding on a major or who want confirmation about their academic major. Students will assess their values, interests and skills as related to potential academic majors and careers. Interest assessments include the Strong Interest Inventory as well as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Students will learn about internships, write a resume and learn important life skills about a job search.
Applied Trigonometry, Math 2992, January 3-27, 2 credits (TWR, 9-11:15 a.m.)
This course will cover topics such as right triangle and unit circle trigonometry, trigonometry identities, solving trigonometric equations, vectors, cross product, dot product and other vector mathematics. The course will also make connections to applications of trigonometry in physics and other mathematics courses.
This course is recommended for the student who has not had trigonometry in high school or the student who needs to review trigonometry before taking a physics or calculus course.
See the Registrar's home page for more detail: